Introducing our first ultra-light Long Range 5 inch BNF for every terrain and beyond. Our newest Beast F7 AIO on board coupled with our XING 2005 motors. If our iFlight Chimera4 is too small and light to fight against stronger winds, here you go. Get flight times above 25min using at least Li-On 4S 3000mAh packs. Go crazy and strap a Li-On 4S pack on and go even further, depending on capacity and weight!
GPS Rescue ready for easy recovery in case of signal loss, or even if you've been surfing those mountains and suddenly can't find the way back home.. Betaflight OSD pre-setup GPS elements will show you the way! Custom iFlight 150mm LR antenna for best signal coverage even at long distances.
Outstanding digital FPV experience in 720p directly on your goggles. Custom iFlight 150mm LR antenna for best signal coverage even at long distances.